
What Part of the Gospel Is Optional?

Who teaches you in your life? Who challenges you in your walk with the Father?

Lately I have been listening to the teachings of a pastor from Birmingham, Alabama. He has truly transformed some of what I believed and how I thought I should be living my life. He has challenged me to live by the Bible that I believe in. If you are interested in digging deeper into scripture and walking through some challenging verses I urge you to listen to his sermons or read his book. I love nothing more than a pastor who studies entire books and doesn't skip to the nice verses. The Bible is challenging and Jesus says some intense stuff and if we truly believe it, it should completely change our lives. Listen to some of his sermons for your devotional. Yeah it takes an hour of your day to listen to a sermon, but really is that TV show that great anyways? Turn it off for one night and see what God is wanting to teach you. Listen to it as you drive to the city. Seriously I guarantee that if you listen to this with an open heart for what God wants to teach you, you will learn a lot and likely be changed. Commit to listen to the Radical Series or the Galatians Series or the James Series. This is good biblical teaching that can truly transform how you live if you allow it!

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